Consolidate Database
Over a period of time using POSIM, you may desire to consolidate some of your Processed Invoice data. These files can become large, and although it is not a technical problem, it may slow down reporting tasks. The following is the proper method to consolidate Processed Invoices in your database.
When an invoice it posted in POSIM, a Processed Invoice is created. The Processed Invoice is comprised of one line in the POS Invoice Header file, multiple lines in the Invoice Lines File, and multiple lines in the Sale History File. The Invoice Header File and Invoice Lines File are used to display the Processed Invoice. The Sales History file is placed in POSIM to generate several reports. The process of consolidation takes the invoices from the Processed Invoice File and the Sales History File and combines them into one transaction dated for the middle of the month. The result is fewer invoices to browse through and a smaller database. Once you have consolidated your database, the sales reports for the consolidated period must be run by month.
This procedure is done on the computer that holds the database. You will need to rebuild the database to free up space once you are done consolidating. You will not be able to access the database during consolidation and rebuilding, so do it when you have some downtime.
Before Consolidation
- Back-up your database.
- Open Inventory >Analyzer, select Reports, then Sales Report. Run a Sales Report for the period of time you plan to consolidate.
- Quit all POSIM applications, including Sybase service.
- On the computer that houses your POSIM database, go to the hard drive and open the POSIM folder, then the Utils.exe application, click File, Consolidate Database.
- The Consolidate Invoice And Sales History screen will appear. In the Select Invoice Customers section, you have two options:
- All Invoices – this will cause all Processed Invoice transactions to be consolidated into one processed invoice for the particular month.
- All Invoices Without Customer – this will cause all the non-customer Processed Invoice transactions to be consolidated into one Processed Invoice for a particular month.
- Enter the starting month and year you want to start the consolidation at in the From fields. Example: month 01 and year 2010
- Enter the month and year you want to end consolidation at in the To fields.
- Click the Consolidate button. It may take from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the number of invoices being consolidated.
- A warning will appear. “Consolidation eliminates tax detail and should not be run until tax reports have been printed for the period being consolidated. Continue?” It is recommended that you keep at least one year of detailed sales on file. If you want to continue, click Yes. If not, select No.
- By selecting Yes, the Consolidation will begin.
- By selecting No, you will be brought back to the Consolidate Invoice And Sales History screen.
- When POSIM is finished consolidating, Click OK.
- You will be brought back to the Consolidate Invoice And Sales History screen.
- Select Done to exit the Consolidation program and return to the Utils menu bar.
- Run a Sales report for the consolidation period. The numbers should match.
The following files are summarized as described. They are arranged as if all sales for a month were processed on one invoice in the middle of the month.
- POS History. Sales are Summarized.
- Processed Invoices. Creates one summarized Invoice.
- Processed Invoice Lines. Summarizes invoice line item.