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POSIM Price Codes Setup

This article explains how to set up and use the price code system in POSIM.

  1. To begin setting up price codes, open POSIM’s General Preferences and locate the Pricing section. If price codes have never been used, the price codes tab in this section will look similar to the example below.
  2. Click Add Code to add a new price code and fill out the name and description. A default code can be set through the dropdown selection on the far right. Note: Price Codes are assigned to items via their category.

    Add a price code with the Add Code button. Set a default code with the dropdown.

    Specify the name and description of the new price code.
  3. Once a price code has been created, individual levels can be made in the Price Levels section. A price level is a granular method of controlling discounts. Click the Add Level button to add a new level. A default level can be set using the dropdown. Note: the first level you add will become active by default, so it typically works best to leave the first defined level as “Current Price” with no discounts or modifiers.

    Add a new price code level with the Add Level button. Set a default level with the Default Level dropdown.
  4. To modify a price level, click the “>>” button to open the formula editor. This tool enables you to define how discounts are calculated and applied for each level you create. Many options are available here, including percentages based on cost and retail, and even an option to use a completely fixed price.

    The formula editor allows for custom pricing for each created price level.
  5. Once the formula has been created, click OK to save and return to the price codes screen, where additional levels can be created and defined. Click Apply or OK to save all changes.
  6. The final steps in the price code setup involve assigning price codes to items (via the category) and price levels to customers (via the customer card).
  7. To assign a price code to items in a category, navigate to the desired category card and use the Price Code dropdown to specify the desired price code.

    The price code dropdown menu allows this category and all its items to be assigned a price code.
  8. To assign a price code level to a customer, use the Price Code Level dropdown on the customer card.

    The price code level dropdown on the customer card.
    Note: use import manager or customer grid view to assign price code levels to multiple customers at once.

    Price code level mapped in import manager.

    Price code level selected for a fill-down in customer grid view.
  9. Once price codes have been set up, they’re ready to be used in POSIM’s invoicing.

    Use the PCL dropdown to assign a price code to an invoice line.

    Use the Shift + F8 key combo to assign the same PCL to all items on an invoice.