Privileges for Premier
The Privileges function of POSIM allows you to define certain privileges to a group of users. With Privileges you can define user names and passwords and then deny access to function and modules in POSIM.
Setting Up Privileges
To set up Privileges, you must be in Inventory Analyzer:
- Click on Misc>> Privileges to open the Privileges screen.
- In the Mode box, click on the Edit radio button. This will allow changes to be made.
- The Application box holds the modules; click on the down arrow to switch module functions.
- The three rectangle boxes are:
- Users – here is where we add users’ names and passwords.
- Groups – where the group names are defined. Examples: cashiers, manager, owners.
- Functions – holds all the functions of the application that can be removed from your groups.
- Add your Groups.
- Click on the New button below the Groups window. A screen for adding a new group will appear.
- Type a group name in the Group field and click OK. Repeat this step for each group you wish to create.
- NOTE: Group names cannot be edited once they have been added, so if you find that you don’t like the group, you will not be able to edit the group name, you will simply delete the group, and then add a new one. (ex: delete Manager and add Supervisor).
- Add your Users.
- Click the New button below the Users window. A screen for adding a new user will appear.
- Enter a user name and password and click OK. The user name will be shown in the Users window.
- Assign Users to Groups.
- Highlight the group to which you want to add users by clicking the group name in the group box. All the user names not currently included in the group will disappear. Click the Not In Group button below the Users window on the far left. All the user names that are not currently in this group will appear in italics.
- Highlight the user you want to add to the group by clicking on it. Click the Add To Group button below the Users window.
- To view the users in a group, click on the Group button below the Users window to view the users that have been added to the group.
- If you assign a user to a group in error, just go into the group, highlight the user, and click the Remove From Group button under the Users box.
- Assign users to all the groups you need them in.
- You can assign a user to more than one group; however, if you want a user to have privileges to view credit cards, he/she can only be assigned to a single group.
- If you want to see which users are a part of each group, click the De-Select button, then click on a group name. The Users window will display the users who are part of the group highlighted.
- Determine what functions to restrict for each group in each application.
- All Default Functions are enabled for every group, except the viewing of credit cards in version 8.2.
- To allow a group to view credit card numbers, change the Application to Sales. Select the Group you want to grant access, then Scroll through the functions box on the right and highlight Not View Cust CC #. Then the Remove From Group button under the function box will highlight; click it.
- From the Application drop down menu, select the application you want to edit privileges for.
- Highlight the group you want to edit functions for by clicking on it to highlight it, and then under the Function box, highlight the Function to be removed and click Remove From Group.
- Some functions have an E or a V before them. The E stands for Edit and the V stands for View.
- If you remove the Run Program function, the group will not be able to open the application.
- If you remove Preferences, the group will not be able to access preferences within the application.
- Highlight the group you want to edit functions for by clicking on it to highlight it, and then under the Function box, highlight the Function to be removed and click Remove From Group.
- Activate Privileges: click to check the box next to On, then click OK.
- NOTE: Do not turn privileges On unless you have a password and user group set up that has full access to all the functions and applications. Otherwise, you will get locked out of the system!
- All Default Functions are enabled for every group, except the viewing of credit cards in version 8.2.