Windows 7 & Vista
This Tech Tip explains how to accomplish the task of running POSIM on Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Compatibility Mode
If you have problems with a program that worked correctly on earlier versions of Windows, you can select a compatibility mode that matches that earlier version. In the case of POSIM, Windows XP is the latest fully supported operating system from Microsoft and so you will need to run both POSIM as well as Sybase in compatibility mode for Windows XP.
Using Compatibility Mode
Turning on compatibility Mode is as simple as right-clicking on any program (i.e. Sales Point or Inventory Analyzer) and selecting properties. Then find the compatibility tab at the top of the properties window and select it. Finally, you will need to set the program to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP as well as setting the program to run as Administrator. Once you have done this for the required files (see list below) you should be able to run POSIM without problem on Windows Vista. Any peripherals used with POSIM (i.e. printers) will need to have drivers compatible with Vista which may be obtained from the device manufacturer.
Files for Compatibility
Listed are the default locations of the files. Note: you may set up the compatibility for the programs on shortcuts instead of the programs themselves which will make upgrading or reinstalling easier.
C:\Posim\Sales Point.exe
C:\Posim\Inventory Analyzer.exe
C:\Posim\Define A Report.exe
C:\Posim\Rent to Own.exe
C:\Posim\Time and Attendance.exe
C:\Program Files\Now Charge\Now Charge.exe
C:\Posim\Utilities\InstallDB.exe (and like files in Utilities folder)
C:\Program Files\Sybase\Adaptive ServerAnywhere 6.0\win32\dbsrv6.exe
C:\Program Files\Sybase\Adaptive Server Anywhere 6.0\win32\dbeng6.exe
(Drivers supplied with POSIM)
C:\Posim\Drivers\PrnInst.exe (actual location is variable, Cognitive driver installer)