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Creating customer contacts in POSIM

Each customer in POSIM is capable of storing contact information for multiple billing and shipping addresses. Customer contacts all share the same Customer ID, and searching with contact information on an invoice will attach the shared customer card. Contact Profiles can also be used to record details about the customer, with space for information such as birthdays, pictures, and custom miscellaneous fields that can be renamed. The steps below outline the process of adding and managing customer contacts.

  1. Open the Contacts Tab on a Customer Card

    Open Sales -> Customers, then use the quick search or advanced search to find the customer you would like to add contact information for. Open the contacts tab by clicking on the contacts header near the middle-left of the customer card. If the customer has separate billing and shipping information, they will already have two contacts in this list.
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    Separate contact lines for billing and shipping info

  2. Click the “Add” button to create a new contact

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    Pressing the Add button will open a new contact profile. A contact can also be removed from the list by selecting the contact and clicking the “Remove” button).

  3. Fill Out the Contact Information

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    The contact information section contains name and address details, a picture, as well as room for three phone numbers, fax, birthday, and two email addresses. The email addresses can both be subscribed or unsubscribed from POSIM’s marketing integrations here.

  4. Fill out the miscellaneous fields

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    Miscellaneous fields can be renamed in General Preferences and are a great way to track customer information. These fields can be reported on and can also be used by POSIM’s marketing integrations.

    (Optional: Rename the miscellaneous fields in general preferences)
    To rename the miscfields on the customer card, open the customer settings in general preferences (Administration -> General Preferences -> Customer) and rename the desired field.
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    When finished, press “Save and Close”

  5. Select primary billing and shipping contacts

    The contact to be used for the Shipping address and the Billing address can be specified by checking the boxes next to the contact name. This will determine which address will appear on records and documents related to any transactions.
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