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Linker Troubleshooting on Windows

For various reasons, E-Commerce Linkers may stop running regularly. If items haven’t been pushing to the website, follow this guide to assess the status of the E-Commerce linker, and perform simple troubleshooting techniques.

First, find the E-Commerce tab in General Preferences. Select the linker for your website from the tabs at the top of the window and check the Last Item Upload and Last Sales Download date/time.

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The linker should be running every 15 minutes, so if the date and time displayed are more than a day ago, verify that the linker file and/or the task that runs it has not been altered or removed.

  1. Press the windows key on the keyboard or on the desktop and type “Task Scheduler.”
  2. Navigate to “Task Scheduler Library.”
  3. Find Magento or Shopify Linker task. If no such linker can be found, contact POSIM Support.
  4. Under “Triggers”, verify the details state that the action should repeat every 15 minutes and the status says “Enabled”.
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  5. Go to the “Actions” tab and follow the path under Details in File Explorer.
  6. If you don’t find a .bat file under the name runMagentoLinker or runShopifyLinker, look for the linker file on your desktop.
    1. Right-click the icon and select “Open file location.”
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    2. Either move the file into the location already set in Task Scheduler or double-click the task in task scheduler, navigate to the Actions tab, and browse file explorer to select the actual location of the linker file.

The linker can be run manually at anytime by double-clicking on the linker file or desktop shortcut. It is not uncommon for a linker to run for several hours if a significant amount of time has passed since the last linker run.