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Backdating an E-commerce Linker in POSIM

For users with an integrated POSIM e-commerce linker (Magento 1 & 2, Zoey, Shopify), it can occasionally be necessary to set the POSIM linker back to a date prior to the present in order to re-sync item or invoice information with the website. The steps below outline the process of “backdating” your e-commerce linker in POSIM in order to do this.

To backdate an e-commerce linker:

  1. Open POSIM’s general preferences and locate the E-Commerce section. Note: if you don’t see an E-Commerce section, click on Workstations instead, and then click the Next button.
    backdating ecommerce linker posim evo 1
    Navigate to the E-Commerce section of general preferences.
  2. Click on the calendar drop-down menus next to Last Item Upload and/or Last Sales Download to select a prior date to backdate the linker. If necessary, the time can also be changed.
    backdating ecommerce linker posim evo 2
    Click the drop-down to select a prior date from the pop-up calendar, or type a date into the field.
  3. When finished, click Save or Save & Close to save the date changes. The next time the e-commerce linker runs, it will look for items and invoicing back to the dates last specified.
    backdating ecommerce linker posim evo 3
    Save changes. The linker will sync back to the specified date(s) next time it runs.