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How to Install a Logic Controls Pole Display on Windows Vista / Windows 7

  1. DO NOT plug the device in USB port yet.
  2. Download the driver using the following link. (LINK)
  3. Extract (unzip) the download file.
  4. Double click “install.bat” and it will install the driver.
  5. Plug in the Pole Display (USB & Power) and wait until the installation completes.
  6. Open device manager to check the device driver’s name or COM port number under “Ports (COM & LPT)”.
  7. In POSIM go to NAVIGATOR>ADMINISTRATION>Computer Preferences
  8. Check the box that says “PD3000 Installed” and select the COM port you found in step 6.
  9. Fill out the “Default:” boxes. The text in these boxes will show on the pole display when POSIM first launches and when POSIM is idle.
  10. Press TEST and it should display your default message on the Pole Display
  11. Click “Save and Close”
    • If you want to only save the Peripherals tab select “Peripherals” otherwise click “All”
    • If you want to have this saved only for this machine choose “Private” otherwise click “System-Wide”